Posts in New Business Operations
When you master your narrative, you control your pitch

You are in control of what your agency says and does to demonstrate its expertise to prospective clients. The challenge is that this creates a narrative in the marketplace, which you have less control over. Here’s how to ensure your prospective clients perceive you in the light you want to be perceived.

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Is Your Agency New Business Plan Holding You Back?

A 12-month plan encourages us to think big. And it’s the bigness that also gets us in trouble because it’s big enough to ignore. What if you were to shrink a twelve-month new business plan into twelve weeks focusing on quarterly milestones rather than annual goals?

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How to Start Building a Culture of New Business at Your Agency

What does it mean to build a “culture of new business” within an agency? It’s a phrase that gets bandied about but doesn’t always get defined in terms concrete enough to be effective. Here’s where you might start.

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Test the Strength of Your Agency’s Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is a fundamental agency new business tool. It’s meant to get your message across quickly and effectively to a prospective client and opens the door for a deeper sales conversation. But a lot of agencies make common mistakes that lead to a weak pitch. Here’s a way to test the strength of your agency’s elevator pitch.

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Found Money: Why Your Contact Database is a Valuable Asset (and How to Get More Value Out of It)

Your agency's list of clients and prospects is a valuable business asset. And like any asset, the more you invest in it, the more valuable it becomes. Here are four ways to get more new business value from your agency’s list of contacts.

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Measuring Agency Business Development Effectiveness

Agency business development success is often measured by revenue. And of course that’s a good qualitative measure—did you make your numbers or didn’t you?

But a lot goes into a successful new business operation, both quantitative and qualitative. Wouldn’t it be great to have a scorecard that objectively measures where you are today and keeps you accountable for the improvement you want to see? Here’s one way to start:

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Four Common Negotiating Mistakes Agencies Make During the Pitch

When it comes to pitching for new business, agencies are so accommodating!

They put in late nights and give up holiday weekends. They divert their best teams from paying clients to do spec work. They put up with terrible briefs and minimal information.

Are they too willing to play on the client’s terms for the chance to compete for new business?

I’ve identified four points in the pitch process where agencies should set their own terms, both for the sake of the future client relationship and their ability to pursue new business from other clients.

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Operationalizing Your Agency’s New Business Strategy: What to Do on a Weekly, Quarterly, and Annual Basis

New business is one of those responsibilities that should be fully integrated into your daily schedule. But for a lot of agency leaders, it's not. I think it’s why new business plans fail. Here’s a framework to help you operationalize your new business strategy and a roadmap for prioritizing activities on a daily, weekly, quarterly, and annual basis.

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