The New Business Leaders Mastermind
Small agency owners enjoy a lot of advantages. They’re energetic, ambitious, and dedicated to their craft. But they also share two big disadvantages—a lack of time and a lack of resources.
As a member of the New Business Leaders Mastermind, you get access to expert guidance in a supportive environment that's more accessible than private coaching. Plus, the focus is on getting you on the fastest path to revenue by addressing your top challenges and delivering ideas and inspiration to take fast action.
Here’s what you get:
Once-monthly live 90-minute sessions via Zoom with no more than four other agencies, ensuring that you get ample time 100% dedicated to you in each session.
Access to expert coaching as well as the experience of your peers.
Carefully curated cohorts to ensure you are placed with non-competitive peers who also share common characteristics in terms of agency size, years in business, and new business challenges and goals.
Access to offline coaching via Slack as well as tools like planners and scorecards to keep you accountable to your goals.
If you love the idea of learning from (and also supporting) a group of your peers, as well as live coaching from a new business expert, the New Business Leaders Mastermind program might be right for you.