For agency leaders who want control over their new business destiny

Prospecting with Purpose

A masterclass on sustainable outbound strategies for small marketing agencies


Registration for the Prospecting with Purpose masterclass is now closed! Are you interested in joining us the next time it's offered? Let us know by filling in the form below.

To learn more about the masterclass, just keep scrolling.

You didn’t set out to start your own agency because you love to do business development.

And I bet that, of all the biz dev tactics you could engage in, outbound prospecting for new leads ranks pretty low on your list of favorites. You might even find every good reason to do just about anything else to avoid it.

You’re committed to keeping your agency’s pipeline healthy.  

After all, new business is the lifeblood of your agency!

And you know that prospecting for new business isn’t rocket science!

(In fact, what you do for your clients is way more magical and mysterious.)

Maybe you just need a better blueprint for intentional growth.

"We needed to diversify how we source new clients and Jody was instrumental in expanding my thinking on business development and client development. She's a thoughtful consigliere, brimming with ideas. After working with Jody, we’ve been enjoying new success in our outreach program and significant improvements in how we grow existing accounts."

Jamin Warren
Founder & CEO, Twofivesix

“We needed a new approach to rebuilding our sales pipeline after a significant client loss. Since working with Jody, we’re securing more “best-fit” inquiries, winning a higher percentage of accounts in our sweet spot, and growing relationships with existing clients. Trust me, Jody’s counsel will save you time, equip you with tools and techniques that work, and turn your team into a business development masters.”

Kim McKeeman
CEO & Owner, McKeeman Communications

Join me and a select group of agency owners and leaders who want to master straightforward, accessible techniques for purposeful prospecting. 

This masterclass has been designed expressly with owners of small agencies in mind because:

  • You’re busy! Time is your most precious yet least available resource and any new idea or technique has got to be able to dovetail with your already intense work schedule.

  • You truly want to build your skills and grow your confidence as a business developer. It may not be comfortable to admit it, but your growth strategy must start with you.

  • You have so much to offer. When you and your team get in front of the right client, you almost always win the business.


  • 3 one-hour live sessions on Zoom on consecutive Wednesdays: April 24, May 1 and May 8 at 12 PM US Eastern time (9AM Pacific, 5PM UK).

  • 3 supplementary online modules so that you can go deeper and learn at your own pace

  • A bonus live Q&A session with me on May 15 

  • Worksheets, guides, and templates to walk you through the exact framework I use with my private clients to set up purposeful prospecting strategies that work.

Like my annual planning masterclass, I’ll be capping it at 25 agencies to ensure an intimate, supportive and constructive working environment. 

The price for all this is just $795 (compare that to the cost of hiring a 3rd party prospector at $10,000 or more per month). Want to have your team attend with you? Register a group of up to 5 people for just $1,795.

Space is limited and we’re currently at about 75% capacity.

I believe you not only have it in you to generate as much new revenue for our business as you need, but I want to show you the process can be rewarding too. You deserve to feel confident about the value you’re offering.

This price will only be offered for a short time, plus space is limited.



OK, I admit, not everyone is built for outbound sales.

In fact, I spend a lot of time helping my agency clients find effective alternatives because the best new business plan is one that gets done and we’re much more likely to do things we think we’re already good at. 

But some of you do want to get better at prospecting. You want more control over the process and you want to feel more confident that what you’re investing will actually yield a return. 

And you have a lot of questions, like:

  • “What do I say on the first, fifth or fiftieth attempt to connect with a prospect?”

  • “How do I know I’m reaching out to the right people?”

  • “How can I make this whole process more efficient?”

  • “What do I do to keep the prospect’s interest after a great meeting but when there’s no immediate opportunity?”

  • “How do I keep myself and my team motivated?”

  • “How do I create a system that’s easy to follow?”

  • “How do I track my progress?”

  • “What kind of tools or infrastructure do I need?”

And then there’s the stuff you don’t know that you don’t know. All the tricks of the trade that you only learn by doing—or getting an expert to show you the way.

That’s why I’m offering this new masterclass on outbound prospecting for agency leaders.

It’s specifically designed for owners, partners or CEOs of small agencies who, along with all their many other roles, are the ones ultimately responsible for bringing in new revenue.


Hi, I’m Jody Sutter, and I’ve dedicated my career to helping agency leaders and other creative entrepreneurs master the skills they need to attract the ideal clients and win the business they deserve to win.

I’ve been on the front lines, generating leads and building relationships that led to new revenue, and I know it can feel like a challenge to get the attention of new prospects and win the right kind of business for your agency. 

I’ll help you remove the common barriers–emotional and logistical–and show you how a purposeful approach to prospecting can lead to results.



We’ll meet via Zoom for a 60-minute live session for three consecutive Wednesdays. I’ll share frameworks I’ve developed to help you organize your prospecting campaigns, do purposeful outreach, keep the prospects interested and engaged over time, and convert them into clients

Plus, you’ll get access to prerecorded modules that drop on the Friday before the live sessions so that you can get a head start and learn at your own pace. 

Each week builds cumulatively to equip you with a total approach to purposeful prospecting:

Week 1: Setting up for success

Can I just say it? Some of you avoid outbound prospecting because it opens you up to rejection and rejection sucks. But when you prepare well, beautiful things happen. You’re confident in your pitch. It matters less how others react when you know you offer value. And your audience says “yes” more often because they see right away that you understand them and can help them.

In Week 1, you’ll discover:

  • The best points of interaction within the buyer’s journey and how to make it an easy decision for your prospect to hire you at each stage.

  • Buyer personas–what they are and what each wants from you

  • Polishing your pitch 

Week 2: Powering the flywheel

Time is the enemy of new business. You have precious little of it and a thousand other demands on your attention. In Week 2, we’ll explore how to invest your time into actions that lead to positive momentum.

Highlights of Week 2 include:

  • The art of following through–staying focused, motivated, and accountable

  • Sustaining your compelling message over time in ways that ensure you’re always adding value, not being a “pest”

  • How, when and what to delegate to your team.

  • How to strategically use marketing tactics to make your outreach more effective.

Week 3: Advancing the Sale

Getting an intro meeting with an ideal prospect is a reason to celebrate, but save the expensive champagne for later. You still need to close the deal. 

In Week 3, you can expect techniques for:

  • Preparing for the first meeting with a prospect (and why you’re probably doing it wrong now)

  • Keeping the lead warm and interested after the first meeting 

  • How to retain control and be a partner, not a vendor, by using smart questioning techniques


“Our time with Jody was like a bracing mix of Vitamin B-12 and vodka. Her refreshingly honest analysis of our agency process helped us quickly separate essentials from distractions. Her keen insight and personable approach allowed us to reassess our game plan, celebrate who we are, and inspire us to move forward. We are moving fast to take action before the effects wear off.”

Mikal Reich
Owner, Dead As We Know It

Are you ready to control your new business destiny?

Then join me and a group of your peers for this live masterclass on Wednesday April 24, Wednesday May 1 and Wednesday May 8 at 12 PM US Eastern time (9AM Pacific, 5PM in the UK).

Get the support you need to hone your skills, build confidence, and develop a game plan for a sustainable approach to purposeful prospecting. 

Register now—space is limited to only 25 agencies. 

  • Individual registration $795

  • Registration for a group of up to 5 people $1,795


One more thing...

Not sure if you can commit to all three days? I can almost guarantee you that this workshop will save you time in the long run. Plus anyone who registers will have access to the recordings to catch up on what they missed or even rewatch the content most important to them.